Leykam Let's Print


LEYKAM is the leading web offset printing service in Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia and is ranked amongst the top 3 web offset printers in Europe. Additional principal markets are Germany, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. In these markets, LEYKAM Group achieves an annual turnover of approximately 231 million euros with 730 employees. 19 web offset machines of various sizes offer an almost limitless product portfolio, great ability to meet deadlines, and high flexibility.

The history of Leykam printing is closely linked with the development of the printing industry in Styria. Its creation dates back to 1585. In 1781, Andreas Leykam obtained permission to set up a print shop "at his own expense and risk" and his name has remained the printer's brand name until today.


Consultancy for the Development of
- an international investment story
- Immersion and Strategy Review
- Brand Definition
- Key Messaging
- Prevailing Quality Standards (LEYKAM Seal)
- a new digital business model (bronze to platin packages)
- Innovation pipeline („Industry 4.0“, „IOT“)

Deployed in an international Sales Convention Meeting on March 7./8. 2016


Industry and Technical Knowledge,
Revenue Restrengthening,
International Merger Consultancy,
Revenue-, Profit & Brand Equity
Development, New Digital Business
Development, Definition of prevailing
Quality Standards