STRATEGY IMPLEMENTED is the strategic leadership executive advisor for World Class Brands to increase profit margins and company value.
Its focus is to establish and enhance market capitalisation through leadership, branding & innovation and ICT-based efficiency.
Prevailling topics are strategic business leadership and excellence in operational implementation, brand equity building, consumer centric marketing, cutting edge employer branding, disruptive innovation leadership, successful business turnaround, high performing organizations, performance-based sustainability and ICT-based efficiency.
Owner & Founder
Knapp 4.000 Anrainer/Innen haben die Petition „Pro Wilhelminenberg 2030“ gegen die durch die Stadt Wien und Investoren geplante Umwidmung zur Massivverbauung in Ottakring (Gallitzinstraße 8-16) im UNESCO Biosphärenpark Wienerwald unterschrieben und eine signifikante Redimensionierung durch beschränkende Vorgaben der Umwidmung des Projektes gefordert. Daher empfahl der Petitionsausschuss des Gemeinderates am 30. Jänner 2018 der zuständigen Planungsstadträtin Vizebürgermeisterin Mag. Maria Vassilakou, dass „eine bestmögliche Abstimmung der gesamtstädtischen Interessen mit jenen des Bezirks und der Anrainer/Innen sicherzustellen ist.
Nikolo+ steht für eine harmonisch stimmige Hl. Nikolo+feier, eingebettet in den Kreis Ihrer Liebsten. Wenn gewünscht, wird Ihre Feier auch gerne mehrsprachig durchgeführt (Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch ).
Nikolo+ begeistert seit vielen Jahren kleine und große Kinder bei seinen Besuchen in privaten Haushalten, Institutionen und Unternehmen. Dabei erfreut er nicht nur viele kleine, sondern auch die großen Kinder.
Das Ziel von Nikolo+ ist es, den kleinen und großen Kindern ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern und auch schöne Erinnerungen bei Großeltern, Eltern und anderen Begleitpersonen an ihre eigene Kindheit wieder zu wecken. Dabei achtet Nikolo+ vor allem auf die Einhaltung der Werte Qualität, Tradition und Brauchtumserhaltung.
Establishing the foundation for a pan-European leading highly secure and very efficient governmental ID solution as an add-on for traditional ID documents. IDA will aim to address digitalization matters in the public sector for the benefit of the citizens as a transparent identification and authentification system in the physical and digital world while security, privacy, data protection, usability and user trust are at equilibrium.
Creating a global world class brand to drive purchase and brand preferences to significantly build revenue and profit margin for a stronger market capitalisation.
Updated Julius Meinl's vision and mission. Developed a new strategy, brand positioning (incl. points of differentiation), brand equity pyramid and areas of interventions.
Ensured development in close cooperation and alignment with multifunctional team members and with all key stake holders and obtained final approval for implementation.
Creating a global world class brand in printing will strive to significantly build revenue and profit margin for a stronger market capitalisation.
Development of a harmonised Walstead Group branding positioning and communication material built on visual identity guidelines for all Walstead Group companies.
Consultancy to enable CORPORATE AUTONOM TALENT to become the No. 1 corporate stress & ressources management platform based on anonymous personal employee health data.
Development of a leading brand positioning and communication material built on measuring overall potential, providing individual feedback and ensuring corporate performance. Medically certified. Legally qualified. Proven successfull.
CORPORATE AUTONOM TALENT – measure your beat to lead.
Connecting and aligning DAX 30 Decision Makers.
Enabling Dialogue between Politcs, Economy and Social
Affairs and intercultural and interreligious exchange.
Content Development and operative implementation.
Event Management, Master of Ceremony,
Governmental embedding, Political advisory.
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International investment story; Immersion and Strategy Review; Brand Definition, Key Messaging; Prevailing Quality Standards (LEYKAM Seal); a new digital business model (bronze to platin packages); Innovation pipeline („Industry 4.0“, „IOT“)
Industry and Technical Knowledge, In-depth Market Research, Cross-company Alignment, Foundation for World Class Branding,
Leadership in providing precise technology
Governmental embedding, Regulatory affairs, Political advisory. Connecting and aligning the relevant pan-european decision makers. Establishing the foundation for a pan-european energy strategy.
Global Reach to Investors,
High Flexibility,
Access to Top-Universities,
Revenue and Profit Improvements, International accredidation approvals, Achieving the leading position to certify Supervisory Experts in Central Europe
Revenue Restrengthening, Profit & Brand Equity Development, Innovation Leadership, Go-to-market-strategy, Consumer Understanding
Change Management,
Ensuring Global Market Leadership,
World Class Landmark Branding
Intercultural understanding,
World Class Branding,
Enabling Dialogue and Integration