MACAT - with its headquarter in London, UK - is creating the world’s first and largest digital, interactive teaching and learning platform on university level. It is a new, original, critical analysis of 400 of the most influential / seminal books in each of 14 academic disciplines in the social sciences, arts, and humanities (in total 5,600 book-analysis in multi-format products).
Development of a Global Strategic Brand Equity Positioning. Implementation via a Global Investment Strategy Presentation with focus on the following Brand Equity Character Statements: 1. disruptive: to both elite universities and MOOCs. 2. new reach: as a first-mover combining content and access to global populations. 3. discontinuous: from industrial revolution and knowledge society paradigms. 4. crossing the chasm: via Social Movement Organization.
Global Reach to Investors, High Flexibility, Access to Top-Universities, ICT-innovation